Anhui Province has been very progressive in embracing renewable energy and upholding environmental standards. The local government has set ambitious standards for renewable energy generation; and is on track to achieve the current target of delivering 1500MW of renewable energy by 2020. The first project between DP and key client WENERGY Group is located at YingShang and will be DP's14th installation in Anhui Province. It will make an important contribution to achieving the renewable energy target. On 19th May 2019, the CHP project successfully passed the 72+24 hour trial run and was officially put into operation.

The Yingshang project includes a biomass combined heat and power (CHP) plant and waste-to-energy. The biomass plant utilizes DP’s Advanced 1 x 130 tph biomass combustion solution and includes the High Temperature, High Pressure boiler with Water Cooled Vibrating Grate. As with all biomass projects which utilize local feedstock, the Yingshang project will help the local government to upgrade the distributed energy structure, protect the environment, improve the rural economy and increase local farmers’ income. The plant will consume approximately 300,000 tons of agricultural waste and generates 200 million kwh of green power per year.